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还是一篇借助google翻译的4mychild 上的文章:

Individual Education Plans Get Specific About Your Child's Success

If your child has special needs that impair his ability to learn at school, he may qualify for an Individual Education Plan (IEP).This is a legal document created to ensure your child's teacher understands his learning and/or physical limitations and follows the steps necessary for his success.
如果你孩子有特殊需要,影响他在学校的学习能力,他可能有资格获得个别化教育计划(IEP)的援助。 IEP是一个法律文件,是为了确保孩子的老师了解他在学习和/或在身体上限制,并遵循必要的步骤以使他获得成功。

An IEP is federally funded and falls under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act or “IDEA.” IDEA entitles your child to a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) designed “to meet unique needs and prepare for employment and independent living” (20 USC ?§1400(d)(1)(A)).


Your child's IEP will set specific educational goals to be met by the end of each school year.IEPs may include accommodations or activities such as:
classroom accommodations, such as a special chair or table
curriculum modification
provision of speech or occupational therapy
as well as many other possible allocations

您孩子的个别化教育计划将确定每学年结束时要达到的具体的教育目标。 IEPs可能包括设施和活动:

How Do I Know if My Child Qualifies for an IEP?Knowing if your child needs an Individual Learning Plan takes time.It also requires input from a professional.This is because having cerebral palsy is not enough to qualify your child as having a learning or physical disability .  And in some districts, getting an IEP for your child can be like pulling teeth.

知道你的孩子是否需要个别教育计划是需要花些时间的。 这需要专家的鉴定。 这是由于得了脑瘫并不足以能保证你的孩子就有资格获得IEP的援助。在有些地区,为您孩子获得的个别教育计划的援助就像拔牙一样费力。

If your child is engaged in speech or any other type of therapy before starting grade school, her therapist may be able to tell you if she would qualify for an IEP in your state.

If you already know that your child has a mental impairment, having her take an IQ test will help to establish her learning limits and abilities .Your child may score average or above average in some areas but below average in others.The findings of this testing will determine if he qualifies for special education help in your state or not.If he does qualify, an IEP team should review your child's IQ scores, as well as any physical limitations he has, and develop a specific plan of action.

如果你已经知道你的孩子有智力障碍, 让她做智测有助于了解她的学习限制和能力。 你孩子的评分可能接近平均值或高于某些地区的平均水平,但低于其他州的平均水平。 这一测试结果将决定他是否有资格在您的州获得特殊教育帮助。 如果他符合资格,IEP小组会重新检查您孩子的智商,以及任何其他的身体限制,并制定具体的行动计划。

If your child's school has any concerns about her learning abilities, the school must pay for testing .But since so many schools are under funded, don't be surprised if your child's school does not offer to test your child.You may have to either insist on having the testing done, or you may have to fund the testing yourself.

如果你孩子的学校对她的学习能力有任何疑虑, 学校必须支付相关的检查费用。 但是,由于很多学校资金不足,如果您孩子的学校不提供检查您孩子的费用,你也不必感到惊讶。 您可能不得不既要坚持完成检查,又要自己支付检查费用。

How is My Child's IEP Created and Who is Involved?
我孩子的IEP计划是如何建立的? 涉及到哪些人?

When it has been determined that your child has a mental or physical disability that impairs his learning, the school will set up an IEP meeting. An IEP team is formed and includes:
Your child (if she wants to be there)
You, the parent or guardian
A district representative
A special educator
Other teachers who will be involved in your child's education
Anyone else who feels they can be of help (for example, a school therapist)

当已确定你的孩子有智力或身体残疾,影响他的学习,学校将举行一个IEP会议。 一个IEP小组由以下成员组成:

You and the IEP team will meet to discuss your child's specific needs and goals for the school year. Steps will be outlined as to how your child will be accommodated each day in the classroom. A progress report should then be sent to you periodically to demonstrate that your child is indeed meeting her IEP learning goals .

你和IEP小组将开会讨论你孩子的具体需要和本学年目标。将列出具体步骤,您孩子在学校的每一天将被如何安排。 一份进展报告然后会定期的发送给您,以证明您的孩子确实达到了她的个别教育计划的学习目标 。

You and the IEP team will also arrange for any speech or occupational therapy that is to be provided by the school (under the IEP), should your child qualify


How Often Will My Child's IEP be Reviewed?

For each school year that your child qualifies for assistance, you and your child's IEP team will meet once to set up a new action plan.You will review her successes from the previous year and set new goals for the coming year. If something did not work well for your child last year, this is the time to make revisions to the IEP.

对于每个学年,您和您孩子的IEP小组将开会一次,建立一个新的行动计划。 您将检查前一学年她的进展情况,并为来年设定新的目标。如果去年有些事情对小孩来说没有有效运转,这是重新检讨IEP计划的时侯。

Will My Child Qualify for an IEP Throughout her Education?Getting your child an IEP can be frustrating and time consuming.And going through the process of testing and evaluating can be stressful on your child. Fortunately, once your child qualifies for an IEP, she does not have to be retested or reassessed for three years.

让您的孩子获得个别教育计划的援助的过程往往是令人沮丧而且费时的。 完成整个的检查和评估过程可能会给您的孩子带来压力。幸运的是,一旦你的孩子有资格获得个别教育计划的援助,她在三年就不必再进行测试或重新评估。

What if I Feel My Child Qualifies for an IEP but the School Disagrees?

Because each state sets its own criteria for learning or physical disabilities, your child may not qualify for special ed help in your state.This is even though you or her doctor feel she needs the extra support.If you encounter such roadblocks, you must be willing to fight for her special needs .
因为每个州对学习障碍或身体残疾都规定了自己的标准,您的孩子在你所在的州可能不符合特别教育帮助的条件, 即使你或她的医生认为她需要额外的帮助。 如果你遇到这样的障碍, 你必须愿意为她的特殊需要而斗争。

If your child does not qualify for an IEP, she may qualify for a 504 Plan, a document legislated by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) . 504 Plans are less specific than an IEP and, unfortunately, do not have the legal teeth that an IEP has.However, it is better to have a 504 Plan than to have no plan at all.

如果您的孩子不符合IEP计划,她可能符合504计划,504计划是依照美国残疾人法案(ADA)制定的法律文件 。 504计划与IEP计划相比不够具体,不幸的是,它也不像个别教育计划那样有法律执行力。 不过,504计划有胜于无,总比完全没有这样一个计划好。

Another alternative is to try to qualify your child for an Other Health Impaired (OHI) plan.An OHI is like a “last resort” document for kids who are denied a 504 Plan or an IEP.Essentially, OHI status was created to satisfy parents who insist that their child needs documented assistance in school.Unfortunately, depending on the school district, your child could be denied even this simple protection.

另一种方法是尝试其他健康欠佳计划 (OHI)。 对于那些被剥夺了504计划或IEP计划资格的孩子来说OHI就像是“最后手段”。 从本质上讲,OHI是为了满足那些坚持自己的孩子需要援助,这种帮助应该以文件的方式记录下来的家长的。 不幸的是,对于不同的学区,你的孩子甚至连这个最简单的保护也无法获得。

Your Child Has a Right to a Quality Education

If you feel your child is being denied the educational environment she requires to succeed in school, you need expert advice.Don't take “no” for an answer before talking with us.We can help you learn more about your rights as a parent, your child's rights as a student, and how you can become her best advocate.
如果您觉得您的孩子被剥夺了她需要的取得成功必须的教育环境,你需要专家的意见。 在与我们交谈之前,您不要说“不”,。 我们可以帮助您了解更多作为父母的权利,以及您孩子作为一名学生的权利,以及您如何可以成为她最好的辩护人。

Contact 4MyChild today and help your child get the education she deserves.

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-24 21:53:55 | 只看该作者

 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-24 22:03:03 | 只看该作者
这是在邮件组中搜索到的一个关于IEP的帖子,有个家长想让学校掏钱购买一个学步车,因为在小孩的IEP计划中有一个关于站立的goal, 于是大家讨论起来,,大家也可以从侧面了解一下美国IEP实施的情况:

Date:         Wed, 30 Jan 2008 16:33:24-0600
From:         Andrea <ALudwig@CI.LINCOLN.NE.US>
Subject:      : School providing gait trainer ?
My son currently uses a Rifton pacer gait trainer.  He has one that was
funded thru his insurance (combination of private & Medicaid) and we
purchased an identical one thru ebay and paid for privately.  Eric uses one
at school several times each day and we keep the other at home.  We did
this to avoid sending the gait trainer back and forth on the school bus
each day.
His IEP has goal related to upright posture in a gait trainer.  Increasing
distance, endurance, speed and decreasing assistance in a gait trainer.
He is at the maximum height in both frame and arm prompts for gait trainer
he is currently using.  The school therapist brought to our attention that
Eric would benefit from the next size frame.  We are in the process of
replacing his current gait trainer to the next size (or possibly different
style as well) and of course once again, his insurance will only fund one.
Is it the schools responsibility to provide a gait trainer for use at
school?  When I asked his school PT if he would recommend the same style of
gait trainer the comment I received was that it was nice because it folds
for transport back and forth to school/home.
Is there a particular way to require school to fund a gait trainer for use
at school?

Date:         Wed, 30 Jan 2008 21:01:54-0500
From:         Carolyn Quigley <csquigley@COMCAST.NET>
Subject:      : School providing gait trainer ?
If you can find a school willing to pay for a gait trainor, more power to
you, and pass along what town that is so we can all move there!

My son's school was willing to foot the bill for any chairs or other special
seating he might need, anything in regards to mobility we were expected to
provide, and I have never heard of anything different.

Carolyn Quigley, mom to 4 including Patrick, age 6, SDCP and vp shunt

Date:         Wed, 30 Jan 2008 18:50:48-0800
From:         Vicki <momzilla38@HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject:      : School providing gait trainer ?

I don't know what state your in, but in California we have 2 types of therapy.  PT/OT provided by the school

but it only pertains to the classroom educational environment and they work for the school district. They don't

provide any equipment.  Then we have CCS (California Children's Services) that provides Medical therapy.

When my daughter was in middle school and high school she had a "standing program" in her IEP. The district

and CCS fought over who was responsible and if it was educational or medical (it was actually both) so the County

Special Education Department paid for her stander. She wasn't the only one either. Although it didn't technically belong

to my daughter they purchased a specific kind (easy stand 5000) for her and it moved with her from Middle School to High School)

Maybe you can approach the Special Ed department?

Vicki-Mom to Heather 21, CP, dystonia, P-ACC, VI, ONH, IS survivor talking about movin out! Jacob 12 and best little brother
and wife to my best friend Dan

Date:         Thu, 31 Jan 2008 09:05:54 EST
From:         DrChrisL@AOL.COM
Subject:      : School providing gait trainer ?
My understanding was that if it was written in the IEP, it would have to be
provided.  Our school paid for his Meywalk this year, and our insurance  paid
for one at home.  An additional note is that our school brought up the  fact
that a walker on the school bus is not only a very expensive use of space,
which far outweighed the cost of a walker, but also was not authorized as a
safety tie down transport item.


Date:         Thu, 31 Jan 2008 09:38:10 EST
From:         LSimm15204@AOL.COM
Subject:      : School providing gait trainer ?
In a message dated 1/31/2008 8:06:36 AM Central Standard Time,
DrChrisL@AOL.COM writes:

My  understanding was that if it was written in the IEP, it would have to be

provided.  Our school paid for his Meywalk this year, and our  insurance
for one at home.  An additional note is that our  school brought up the  fact
that a walker on the school bus is not  only a very expensive use of space,
which far outweighed the cost of  a walker, but also was not authorized as a
safety tie down transport  item.

Our school district won't transport a walker due to safety concerns  either.
Also, they have become very picky over how equipment is worded in  the IEP.
They are intentionally vague so that they don't need to provide a  certain
type/brand of device.  They will use phrases such as   assistive mobility device,
stander, etc.  I have pushed the issue but they  won't budge.  They type of
gait trainer that the school has doens't work  for my son.  He uses a Pony
outside of school and needs the firm seat, etc.  But I have been told there is no
way they will provide a different brand just  for one student.



Date:         Sat, 2 Feb 2008 17:52:14-0500
From:         Claire Gesalman <treehuggers@GMAIL.COM>
Subject:      : School providing gait trainer ?

Content-Disposition: inline
I live in Fairfax County in Virginia.  They have always provided gait
trainers for my son to use in school.  There is no choice of
model...pretty much all Rifton, but at least there is something, and
they have purchased additional prompts for him when he needed more
than what was on the one that was at his school.  They also had Gobots
when he was in preschool.


On Jan 30, 2008 9:01 PM, Carolyn Quigley <csquigley@comcast.net> wrote:
> If you can find a school willing to pay for a gait trainor, more power to
> you, and pass along what town that is so we can all move there!
> My son's school was willing to foot the bill for any chairs or other special
> seating he might need, anything in regards to mobility we were expected to
> provide, and I have never heard of anything different.
> Carolyn Quigley, mom to 4 including Patrick, age 6, SDCP and vp shunt
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