Dear Moms,
Hi, Im a mother of2 year-old girl, her name is Chloe. She was diagnosed with Athetoid Cerebral Palsy. She's so cute and so adorable, eventhough she has limitation. By the way, we live in Indonesia.
I have been doing flash card with her since she is 6 months old, firstly we started with mandarin flash card who got it from Glenn Doman, SIngapore. after 1 year old of age, She was being assessed in Evan THomas Institute, Philadelphia, thus they gave us a lot of Intellectual Program, such as :
1. 20 categories of single words (@5 cards) English, Indonesia and Mandarin, and also
2. Bits of Intelligence with words 10 cats (@10cards)
3.we have used Little Reader since one year ago
4. She has to read NEW books everyday
Now, she has been seeing up to 10.000 words and up to 2500 Bits, 250 homemade books of 8 year old level (refer to Glenn Doman's intellectual program).
These few days are just like miracle happen to us. Suddenly, she can use FC (Facilitator Communicator) (it's a piece of paper and there alphabet from A-Z written on it, and she can type words, sentences, with this facilitator, it is also the part of Glenn Domans' intellectual program). She started to write down answers when I questioned her, the one that was suprising me is when I asked her what is the highest mountain in the Alps? (after she read books about Alps), she began to write M-O-N-T B-L-A-N-C. im soooooooo touched by her, after 1,5 years of hardworking..
And she began to answer everything about the books or what books she want to read, like yesterday she want to read about Buddhism, radio, Camera. She is a fast reader, dont need to spell each word, I just need to open it fast, she just look and that's IT! but when I ask her question, she began to amaze me, how SMART she is..
I want to share with every mom, who have brain injured or well kids..they are absolutely amazing..just dont give up in every little thing you do!! It's really worth it..
I have seen so many of them (brain injured children) who can read very fast and they are soooo amazing!! They have potential like any other well kids.. Just sometimes we are not sure or we dont know...
原来是印尼的。 这个这个,谁英语好翻一下贝。只看懂一小部分。。。:L 一直以来都是从论坛上学东西,从来没有为论坛做过什么。看到这篇,呵呵,就用我尚还蹩脚的水平翻译一下,就当为论坛做些事情吧。呵呵,妈妈们不要嫌弃翻译的不通顺哈!小同妈妈,我看了很多你的帖子,学到了很多!谢谢你!
在她6个月的时候,我就开始给她使用我们从新加坡杜曼中心买来的普通话版杜曼闪卡,1岁的时候,我们带她到费城的艾文托马斯研究所(Evan THomas Institute)做了一个评估,然后他们给了我们许多智力训练方面建议,比如:
2、Bits of Intelligence with words 10 cats (@10cards) (10 张卡)(这句话不知道怎么翻译啦,大概是有字的智力卡之类的,10张)
3、1年前我们开始读 小读者
qiancheng祈祷 发表于 2012-3-7 14:01 static/image/common/back.gif
一直以来都是从论坛上学东西,从来没有为论坛做过什么。看到这篇,呵呵,就用我尚还蹩脚的水平翻译一下,就 ...
我也在论坛别的看过。 qiancheng祈祷 发表于 2012-3-7 14:01 static/image/common/back.gif
一直以来都是从论坛上学东西,从来没有为论坛做过什么。看到这篇,呵呵,就用我尚还蹩脚的水平翻译一下,就 ...
爱你!拥抱! 不放弃