本帖最后由 希望宝宝好起来 于 2015-4-4 14:38 编辑许多原始反射如果不消失会带来许多运动障碍。最近一直搜索关于ATNR,刚刚搜索到一个网页,对于7个月以上的宝宝残存ATNR建议俯卧位,诱导其伸手向前够物,两只手分别训练或者一起训练。
Depending upon which expert you ask, the ATNR can "integrate" in as early as 4 months, or as late as 6. The fact that one persists at 7 months isn't such a big deal provided that it's not a constant ATNR and that he has bilateral hand play in independent sitting.
If you place the child in prone and work on reaching for toys from prone elbows and runner's stetch --- in absense of any neurologic problem --- it's likely to go away in 4 weeks or so. Help facilitate prone to sit and sit to prone NDT style from the sternum (try Lois Bly's book if you need help, or I'd be happy to e-mail you a few pictures).
Sounds interesting - I have found theat children can 'use' the ATNR if they are 'looking' for stability, it enables them to fix- especially if their core stability is lacking. So Id do lots of work in prone over a wedge/roll to encourage weight bearing through the UL's and head/trunk contol.
I would also work on changing positions - facilitated rolling, transfering from supported sitting to lying etc, moving in and around their base in sitting, encourage lots of playing with feet in supine to work the abdominals.
我花了40美金买了个Masgutova Method 视频,结果是给大人用的,比较郁闷 孩子头总是偏向右的问题 昨天看叶老师给一位小朋友设计动作有这方面的考虑,特记录一下或许有的孩子能用到。第一个动作是牵双手的仰卧起坐,多在后仰45度角位置前后轻晃,让孩子自己把头拉回来,练了头控,另外多练只牵右手的仰卧姿轻晃,这样神经自然会让孩子脸向左偏。第二个动作是前方扶持或倚物的单脚站,练右腿的单脚站,脸也自然会往左偏。第三个动作是前方倚物的右腿单膝着地的半跪姿,同上。第四个动作是前方倚物的斜跪姿,该个案屁股翘起,单手压住屁股使身体呈一直线,另一手可同时把头摆正或向左偏。该个案三岁半多,目前追坐姿两秒,肌张力偏高的徐动型。我只是说的别的孩子的设计动作,提供个思路,请不要照搬动作,后果自负哦。 谢谢分享。最近读了杜曼的书,异常的动作代表脑部的异常,可是要教会脑子一件事情,真的是那么的难啊